Alice Griffin's Memories
The following is a transcription of the attached document
Alice Griffins Memories of Plough Jags at Grange Farm, Winterton
Probably last one about 1921. Farm labourers going round the village at New Year singing and dancing and collecting money to help them until next payday in the following May.
Farm labourers were paid twice yearly, first instalment in May when their year started, then in November or December for the final payment.
They were hired at Brigg “Brigg Stattus”* in May, and received six months pay, and then received another six months pay in November. this was usually spent by Christmas. So the Plough Jags went round singing and dancing in the New Year to get money to keep them until the next payday (May).
They were hired on a yearly basis at Brigg May Fair, called “Brigg Status” (i.e. Brigg Statures)* when the agricultural year began. All work stopped for a weeks holiday before the busy farm work began.
Brigg was the centre for farm workers to look for new jobs if they had not been hired at their former employers.
*The Brigg "Stattus", "Status" and "Statures" are actually the Brigg Statute Fair